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36 个结果
  • 简介:Theauthorhastreated48casesofpsoriasisusinglongneedlecombinedwithcup-ping.of48cases,32cases(67%)werecured,10(21%)markedlyeffective,6(12%)effective.Thetotaleffectiveratewas100%.

  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To measure the prevalence of depression in patients with psoriasis and to evaluate the relationship between the severity of psoriasis and depression and its effect on patients’ quality of life.Methods:A total of 154 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of psoriasis were assessed to determine the severity of psoriasis based on the psoriasis area and severity index score, presence, and severity of depression using the patient health questionnaire 9, and quality of life using the dermatology life quality index 10. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to demonstrate the relationship between continuous variables with 95% confidence intervals (CIs); P < 0.00001 was taken to indicate statistical significance.Results:The severity of psoriasis was mild in 36.36% of patients, moderate in 25.97%, severe in 32.47%, and very severe in 5.20%. Of the 154 patients, 139 (90.3%) had depression; the severity of depression was mild in most affected patients (46.7%) and severe in 2.6% of patients. Psoriasis had a moderate effect on the quality of life in 37.01% of patients and a very large effect in 33.77% of patients. The severity of psoriasis was positively correlated with depression (Pearson correlation coefficient, r= 0.42, P < 0.00001, 95% CI: 0.28-0.54) and quality of life (r= 0.43, P < 0.00001, 95% CI: 0.29-0.55).Conclusion:Depression is a common comorbidity in patients with psoriasis. The severity of psoriasis is positively correlated with the severity of depression and is associated with poor quality of life.

  • 标签: depression dermatology life quality index 10 patient health questionnaire 9 psoriasis psoriasis area and severity index score
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  • 简介:AbstractPsoriasis is considered a systemic disease associated with metabolic abnormalities, and it is important to understand the mechanisms by which metabolism affects pathophysiological processes both holistically and systematically. Metabolites are closely related to disease phenotypes, especially in systemic diseases under multifactorial modulation. The emergence of metabolomics has provided information regarding metabolite changes in lesions and circulation and deepened our understanding of the association between metabolic reprogramming and psoriasis. Metabolomics has great potential for the development of effective biomarkers for clinical diagnosis, therapeutic monitoring, prediction of the efficacy of psoriasis management, and further discovery of new metabolism-based therapeutic targets.

  • 标签: Psoriasis Metabolism Metabolomics Biomarkers
  • 简介:干癣是hyperproliferativekeratinocytes和T房间,树枝状的房间,巨噬细胞和neutrophils的渗入描绘的最普通的调停免疫者的长期的、煽动性的皮肤病之一。尽管干癣的致病充分没被理解,有宽大的证据,建议在皮肤的有免疫力的房间的dysregulation,特别地T房间,在干癣开发起一个关键作用。在这评论,我们主要集中于病原的T房间并且讨论这些T房间怎么被激活并且在疾病致病包含了。最新识别的‘;professional’;IL-17-producing真皮的γ;δ;在干癣的T房间和他们的潜在的角色将也被包括。最后,我们将简短为干癣处理在T房间和它的相关指向cytokine的治疗上总结最近的进步。

  • 标签: 发病机制 T细胞 银屑病 皮肤疾病 角质形成细胞 免疫细胞
  • 简介:A28YEAR-OLDmalepatientpresentedatthedepartmentofgenitourinarymedicineonAugust14,2000withgenitalpapules,generalizederythematousmacules,andscalesofmorethan2months'duration.Twomonthsearlier,thepatienthadpresentedatthelocalhospitalwiththreesitesoferythematousmacularpapulesontheglanspenis,ofnoclearcause.Atthattime,guttateerythematousmaculeswithscalesalsoappearedonthewholebodywithseverepruritus.Hewasdiagnosedwithpsoriasisvulgaris,wasadministeredcapsulesofretinoicacid,andtreatedfortwomonths.However,whenthelesionsandprurituswerenotrelieved,hepresentedatourclinic.

  • 标签: 梅毒 误诊 牛皮癣 鉴别诊断 临床表现
  • 简介:AbstractIntroduction:Nail psoriasis has a profound negative influence on quality of life and has a more closely relationship with psoriatic arthritis. However, patients with nail changes only were often overlooked with the diagnosis of psoriasis. It is necessary to pay more attention to nail psoriatic changes.Herein, we report a 24-year-old male patient with nail changes as the initial sign of psoriasis who was finally diagnosed with nail psoriasis.Case presentation:The nails presented with white streaks, deformations, and had been missed for 8 months. Physical examination further revealed one erythematous scaly plaque on the buttock, anusand scalp respectively with positive Auspitz sign. Combined with the negative fungal microscopic, dermoscopic results and pathological results, the diagnosis of nail psoriasis was made. Oralacitretin (30 mg/day) and topical calcipotriene liniment was prescribed for 3 months followed with etanercept (50 mg once per week), and the nail symptoms were well controlled.Discussion:Nail psoriasis is usually noticed after the occurrence of skin lesions, but may occur simultaneously with or before skin psoriasis. Occasionally, nail involvement is the only manifestation of psoriasis. Nail lesions maybe one of the strongest clinical predictors of psoriatic and it has a profound negative influence on quality of life, so that timely recognition and proper treatment are improtant.Conclusion:Nail psoriasis can cause substantial physical and psychological impairment. However, nail involvement is an often overlooked feature of psoriasis. More attention should be paid to nail psoriatic changes and the administration of appropriate treatment.

  • 标签: nail psoriasis initial presentation biologic agents case report
  • 简介:AbstractBiologic drugs have been increasingly used in the treatment of psoriasis and are especially favorable for severe, recalcitrant, and special-type cases. Therefore, appropriate, effective, and safe use of biologic drugs has drawn attention from dermatologists. For this purpose, Chinese experts majoring in psoriasis analyzed domestic and international research data, summarized current clinical experiences, investigated features of Chinese patients with psoriasis, and finally formulated the present consensus, which provides detailed guidances to clinicians in terms of the principles and methods of the application of biologics, the efficacy and safety profile, patient screening and monitoring, main adverse events and corresponding solutions, and precautions for special patient populations.

  • 标签: psoriasis treatment biologics consensus
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  • 简介:AbstractIncreasing evidence suggests that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are of vital importance for various biological processes, and dysregulation of lncRNAs is frequently associated with various diseases such as psoriasis. LncRNAs modulate gene expression at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional, and translational levels; however, the specific regulatory mechanisms of lncRNAs in psoriasis remain largely unexplored. This review provides an overview of recent studies investigating mechanisms and functions of lncRNAs in psoriasis, especially focusing on the role of lncRNAs in keratinocytes, T cells, and dendritic cells.

  • 标签: Long non-coding RNAs (LncRNAs) Psoriasis Keratinocytes T cells Dendritic cells
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  • 简介:AbstractAntimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are small molecules produced by a myriad of cells and play important roles not only in protecting against infections and sustaining skin barrier homeostasis but also in contributing to immune dysregulation under pathological conditions. Recently, increasing evidence has indicated that AMPs, including cathelicidin (LL-37), human β-defensins, S100 proteins, lipocalin 2, and RNase 7, are highly expressed in psoriatic skin lesions. These peptides broadly regulate immunity by interacting with various immune cells and linking innate and adaptive immune responses during the progression of psoriasis. In this review, we summarize the recent findings regarding AMPs in the pathogenesis of psoriasis with a main focus on their immunomodulatory abilities.

  • 标签: Antimicrobial peptides Psoriasis Immune response Inflammation
  • 简介:AbstractNail involvement is common in psoriasis and is considered a risk factor for and a predictor of the development of psoriatic arthritis. The treatment of nail psoriasis is challenging because of the unique anatomical structure of nails and the absence of standardized treatment protocols. Herein, we provide an up-to-date overview of the treatment options for nail psoriasis, including topical drugs and penetration enhancement strategies, traditional and novel oral drugs, and biologic agents. In addition, we highlight the available individualized management strategies in special patient populations such as pediatric patients, geriatric patients, women of childbearing age, and patients with concomitant onychomycosis or psoriatic arthritis.

  • 标签: nail psoriasis onychomycosis psoriatic arthritis treatment
  • 简介:AbstractPsoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic, recurrent, systemic inflammatory disease induced by the combination of hereditary and environmental factors. The etiology of psoriasis involves hereditary, immune, environmental, and other factors, and its pathogenesis is considered to involve excessive proliferation of keratinocytes or inflammatory activation of synovial cells and chondrocytes within joints; these processes are caused by an immune response that is mainly mediated by T lymphocytes and various other immune cells. Psoriasis is an incurable disease, and the goal of treatment is to control the progression of disease and maintain long-term efficacy. Treatment protocols should be based on the patients’ conditions. Patients with mild psoriasis can be mainly treated with topical agents, and those with moderate to severe psoriasis can be treated with systemic medications. Targeted biological agents can be appropriately chosen for cases of psoriasis that are resistant to traditional systemic treatment. New drugs and treatments for psoriasis continue to evolve and emerge, and our updated guidelines are designed to deliver new achievements from China and physicians worldwide and to keep pace with global progress on psoriasis research. Compared with the previous two editions, part of contents have been modified and revised in the present guidelines; this will further facilitate standardization and increase the efficiency of the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis in China, and improve patients’ quality of life.

  • 标签: psoriasis guidelines diagnosis treatment standardization efficiency
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  • 简介:取大椎、肺俞、曲池、合谷、血海和三阴交为主穴进行针刺,配合辨证论治把银屑病分为血热和血燥两型分别给予清热凉血解毒和养血润肤中药治疗银屑病患者80例,5个疗程后有效率为91.3%。

  • 标签: 针刺治疗 银屑病 牛皮癣 中药 辨证论治
  • 简介:AbstractPsoriasis is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin disease that is often accompanied by obesity. An increasing amount of research has elucidated the pathophysiological link between psoriasis and obesity. Since 2005, interleukin (IL)-17-producing T helper 17 cells and their main effector cytokine IL-17A have been considered to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis; the marked effect of biotherapies targeting IL-17A on moderate and severe psoriasis has further established its role in psoriasis. Recent studies have found that obesity induces T helper 17 cells to secrete IL-17A and participate in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. IL-17A may be a crucial element in the association between psoriasis and obesity. This review discusses the association between psoriasis and obesity, with a focus on and the implications regarding the need to treat psoriasis.

  • 标签: interleukin-17A obesity psoriasis
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Psoriasis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease, and hyperuricemia is a common comorbidity in patients with psoriasis. However, there are limited reports on the relationship between serum uric acid levels and biological treatment efficacy. The purposes of this study were to compare the differences in serum uric acid levels between patients with psoriasis and healthy controls and analyze the risk of hyperuricemia.Methods:A total of 196 patients with psoriasis and 191 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were enrolled in this retrospective cohort study. One hundred and twenty-seven patients with severe psoriasis were treated with biologics. Sixty-eight patients received adalimumab, and 59 patients received secukinumab. Serum uric acid levels were measured at baseline, week 24, and week 48 of treatment.Results:Patients with psoriasis had higher serum uric acid levels than healthy controls (6.4 ± 1.7 mg/dL vs. 5.7 ± 1.5 mg/dL, P < 0.001). Hyperuricemia was found in 33.7% (66/196) of patients with psoriasis, which was significantly higher than that in healthy controls (13.1% [25/191], P < 0.001). Serum uric acid levels and hyperuricemia were not related to the severity of psoriasis (P > 0.05). No significant changes in serum uric acid levels and hyperuricemia were observed following adalimumab treatment (P > 0.05). The serum uric acid level in patients treated with secukinumab was 6.7 ± 1.6 mg/dL at week 24, which was not statistically different from that at baseline (6.6 ± 1.4 mg/dL, P = 0.885). Serum uric acid levels were significantly decreased at week 48 (6.3 ± 1.5 mg/dL vs. 6.6 ± 1.4 mg/dL, P = 0.007) in patients treated with secukinumab. Secukinumab had no significant effect on hyperuricemia either (P > 0.05).Conclusions:The serum uric acid levels and prevalence of hyperuricemia in patients with psoriasis were significantly higher than those in healthy controls. Secukinumab treatment for 48 weeks successfully decreased serum uric acid levels in patients with psoriasis, whereas adalimumab had no significant effect on serum uric acid levels.

  • 标签: Psoriasis Serum uric acid Adalimumab Secukinumab Hyperuricemia
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