Nail Changes as the Initial Sign of Psoriasis: A Case Report

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摘要 AbstractIntroduction:Nail psoriasis has a profound negative influence on quality of life and has a more closely relationship with psoriatic arthritis. However, patients with nail changes only were often overlooked with the diagnosis of psoriasis. It is necessary to pay more attention to nail psoriatic changes.Herein, we report a 24-year-old male patient with nail changes as the initial sign of psoriasis who was finally diagnosed with nail psoriasis.Case presentation:The nails presented with white streaks, deformations, and had been missed for 8 months. Physical examination further revealed one erythematous scaly plaque on the buttock, anusand scalp respectively with positive Auspitz sign. Combined with the negative fungal microscopic, dermoscopic results and pathological results, the diagnosis of nail psoriasis was made. Oralacitretin (30 mg/day) and topical calcipotriene liniment was prescribed for 3 months followed with etanercept (50 mg once per week), and the nail symptoms were well controlled.Discussion:Nail psoriasis is usually noticed after the occurrence of skin lesions, but may occur simultaneously with or before skin psoriasis. Occasionally, nail involvement is the only manifestation of psoriasis. Nail lesions maybe one of the strongest clinical predictors of psoriatic and it has a profound negative influence on quality of life, so that timely recognition and proper treatment are improtant.Conclusion:Nail psoriasis can cause substantial physical and psychological impairment. However, nail involvement is an often overlooked feature of psoriasis. More attention should be paid to nail psoriatic changes and the administration of appropriate treatment.
出版日期 2022年12月13日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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