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204 个结果
  • 简介:Progressinthefieldofassistedreproduction,andparticularlymicromanipulation,nowheraldsanewerainthemanagementofseveremalefactorinfertility,notamenabletomedicalorsurgicalcorrection.Byovercomingnaturalbarrierstoconception,invitrofertilizationandembryotransfer(IVF-ET),subzonal

  • 标签: 男性不育症 体外受精 精子 注射 胞浆 辅助生殖
  • 简介:AbstractNearly one-fourth of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Female genital tuberculosis (TB) is a common cause of infertility in both developing and undeveloped countries. Furthermore, assisted reproduction treatments and pregnancy potentially increase the risk of TB infection and reactivation. In this study, we present the case of a 28-year-old infertile female without a history of TB who developed an acute miliary TB and pelvic TB after in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET). Elevated serum estrogen levels during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and T-lymphocyte function inhibition during pregnancy are the risk factors for MTB infection and reactivation. In her 7th week of gestation, the patient developed fever and spontaneously aborted. Her chest computed tomography images revealed classical miliary TB. Uterine curettage tissue and vaginal secretion samples as well as Gene X-pert MTB/rifampicin (RIF) and TB-RNA test results were positive for MTB. Histological examination of the uterine curettage tissue confirmed the diagnosis of endometrial TB. Treatment with isoniazid, RIF, pyrazinamide, amikacin, and levofloxacin was selected based on the patient’s diagnosis, complications, and test results. Currently, the patient is undergoing anti-TB treatment, and her condition is stable. It is important to rule out the presence of TB in infertile patients before performing IVF-ET to avoid TB dissemination during pregnancy.

  • 标签: Acute Miliary Tuberculosis In vitro Fertilization Pelvic Tuberculosis Pregnancy
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Empiric therapy for patients with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss (URPL) is not precise. Some patients will ask for assisted reproductive technology due to secondary infertility or advanced maternal age. The clinical outcomes of URPL patients who have undergone in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) require elucidation. The IVF outcome and influencing factors of URPL patients need further study.Methods:A retrospective cohort study was designed, and 312 infertile patients with URPL who had been treated during January 2012 to December 2015 in the Reproduction Center of Peking University Third Hospital were included. By comparing clinical outcomes between these patients and those with tubal factor infertility (TFI), the factors affecting the clinical outcomes of URPL patients were analyzed.Results:The clinical pregnancy rate (35.18% vs. 34.52% in fresh ET cycles, P = 0.877; 34.48% vs. 40.27% in frozen-thawed ET cycles, P = 0.283) and live birth rate (LBR) in fresh ET cycles (27.67% vs. 26.59%, P = 0.785) were not significantly different between URPL group and TFI group. URPL group had lower LBR in frozen-thawed ET cycles than that of TFI group (23.56% vs. 33.56%, P = 0.047), but the cumulative LBRs (34.69% vs. 38.26%, P = 0.368) were not significantly different between the two groups. The increased endometrial thickness (EMT) on the human chorionic gonadotropin day (odds ratio [OR]: 0.848, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.748-0.962, P = 0.010) and the increased number of eggs retrieved (OR: 0.928, 95% CI: 0.887-0.970, P = 0.001) were protective factors for clinical pregnancy in stimulated cycles. The increased number of eggs retrieved (OR: 0.875, 95% CI: 0.846-0.906, P < 0.001), the increased two-pronucleus rate (OR: 0.151, 95% CI: 0.052-0.437, P < 0.001), and increased EMT (OR: 0.876, 95% CI: 0.770-0.997, P = 0.045) in ET day were protective factors for the cumulative live birth outcome.Conclusion:After matching ages, no significant differences in clinical outcomes were found between the patients with URPL and the patients with TFI. A thicker endometrium and more retrieved oocytes increase the probability of pregnancy in fresh transfer cycles, but a better normal fertilization potential will increase the possibility of a live birth.

  • 标签: Unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss Cumulative live birth rate Tubal factor infertility
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  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To investigate cumulative live birth rate (cLBR) per oocyte retrieval in infertile patients aged 40 years and over undergoing their first in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles and to identify the possible predictors.Methods:A total of 1,613 patients at a university hospital in China from January 2013 to May 2017 were enrolled in this retrospective study. All data for fresh and subsequent frozen-thawed cycles were analyzed. Multivariate logistic regression analysis with stepwise selection of possible predictors for cLBR was performed, and Loess curve was constructed to determine the association between cLBR and the number of oocytes retrieved.Results:cLBR significantly increased with the number of oocytes retrieved and reached up to 75% when > 20 oocytes were retrieved (P < 0.001). Variables of antral follicle count (AFC) and the number of oocytes retrieved were selected using multiple logistic regression analysis with stepwise selection to predict the significance of cLBR. cLBR demonstrated an obvious upward trend as the number of oocytes retrieval increased in the Loess curve.Conclusions:For patients aged 40 years and over, AFC and the number of oocytes retrieved were two key predictors for cLBR and maximization of ovarian reserve exploitation was pivotal to increase the chance of live birth.

  • 标签: Advanced Maternal Age Cumulative Live Birth Rate In vitro Fertilization Number of Oocytes Retrieved
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Overweight and obesity are increasingly epidemic and negatively related to reproductive outcome. The aim of this study was to investigate the advantages of a modified ultra-long downregulation protocol on pregnancy outcomes of patients with high body mass index (BMI) undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), compared to the long protocol (LP).Methods:We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 3,920 infertile patients at the Reproductive and Genetic Hospital of Citic-Xiangya from January 2012 to December 2017 by propensity score matching (PSM). Patients were divided into two groups: modified ultra-LP (MULP) (n = 1,960) and LP (n = 1,960).Results:In the MULP group, live birth rate (52.65% vs. 46.79%, P < 0.001, odds ratio [OR]: 1.784, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.563-2.036), clinical pregnancy rate (62.50% vs. 57.91%, P = 0.003, OR: 1.211, 95% CI: 1.066-1.377), and implantation rate (53.24% vs. 49.65%, P = 0.004, OR: 1.155, 95% CI: 1.048-1.272) were statistically significantly higher than those of the LP group. Moreover, the cycle cancellation rates (12.70% vs. 15.15%, P = 0.027, OR: 0.815, 95% CI: 0.68-0.977), abortion rates (12% vs. 14.8%, P = 0.046, OR: 0.785, 95% CI: 0.619-0.996), and ectopic pregnancy rates (1.06% vs. 2.11%, P = 0.04, OR: 0.497, 95% CI: 0.252-0.98) were lower than those in the LP group.Conclusion:The modified ultra-long downregulation protocol improved the pregnancy outcomes in patients with high BMI undergoing IVF/ICSI treatment, providing a potential option for physicians when deciding an optimized ovary stimulation protocol for high BMI patients.

  • 标签: Endometrial Receptivity High Body Mass Index In vitro Fertilization/Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Modified Ultra-Long Protocol Pregnancy Outcome
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  • 简介:森林的阿什授精把营养素还给森林生态系统并且在土壤上有积极效果pH,而是它可以也提高森林生物区系的Cd集中。在二个阴谋与木头灰被使肥沃的地方,一些森林昆虫(从腐烂的木头的福米加蚂蚁,carabids和甲虫类之昆虫幼虫)的镉集中在南部的芬兰被调查,当二个另外的阴谋代表了未受精的控制阴谋时。在蚂蚁,吝啬的Cd集中是3.6±1.4mg/kg,与巢,比工人有显著地更高的集中的工人在陷井陷井套住。集中在使肥沃,未受精的阴谋是类似的。在carabid甲壳虫,Carabusglabratus的平均Cd集中是0.44±0.36mg/kg,没有控制阴谋和使肥沃的阴谋之间的重要差别。在另一carabid甲壳虫,Pterostichus尼日尔,吝啬的Cd集中在与控制阴谋相比的使肥沃的阴谋是更高的。我们断定在学习的昆虫的Cd集中的变化被种类特定的差别更高效地比森林地板的授精历史控制。

  • 标签: 生物积累 甲虫类 昆虫 岑树 生态系统
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To evaluate the effect of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) in infertile patients with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL).Methods:A prospective randomized clinical trial was performed in a university-affiliated fertility center in Shanghai, China. Patients in the PGT-A group underwent blastocyst biopsy followed by single-nucleotide polymorphism microarray-based PGT-A and single euploid blastocyst transfer, whereas patients in the control group underwent routine in vitro fertilization/ICSI procedures and frozen embryo transfer of 1-2 embryos selected according to morphological standards.Results:Two hundred and seven infertile patients with RPL were included in this study and randomly assigned to either the control or the PGT-A group. Baseline variables and cycle characteristics were comparable between the two groups. The results showed that PGT-A significantly improved the ongoing pregnancy rate (55.34% vs. 29.81%) as well as the live birth rate (48.54% vs. 27.88%) and significantly reduced the miscarriage rate (0.00% vs. 14.42%) on a per-patient analysis. A significant increase in cumulative ongoing pregnancy rates over time was observed in the PGT-A group. Subgroup analysis showed that the significant benefit diminished for patients who attempted ≥2 PGT-A cycles.Conclusions:PGT-A significantly improved the ongoing pregnancy and live birth rate, while reduced miscarriage rate in infertile RPL patients. However, the significance diminished in patients attempting ≥2 cycles; thus, further studies are warranted to explore the most cost-effective number of attempts in these patients to avoid overuse.

  • 标签: Assisted Reproductive Treatment Clinical Outcomes Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
  • 简介:Background:Forestfertilizationoffersameanstoincreasetheproductionofrenewableresources.Nitrogenisthemostcommonfertilizerinborealuplandforests.Thereisplentyofresearchontheeffectofnitrogenfertilizationonvolumegrowth,butlessresearchontheoptimaltimingoffertilizationandoptimalmanagementoffertilizedstands.Methods:Thisstudyusedsimulationandoptimizationtoanalyzetheprofitabilityoffertilization,optimalmanagementoffertilizedstandsandtheeffectsoffertilizationoncashflowsandtimberyields.Themanagementof100standsrepresentingthemostcommongrowingsitesofScotspineandNorwaysprucewasoptimized.Results:Fertilizationimprovedprofitabilityinmostoftheanalyzedstands.Profitabilityimprovedmostinsprucestandsgrowingonmesicsite.Improvingstemqualityincreasedtheeconomicbenefitoffertilization.Thetimberyieldsofmedium-agedconiferstandscanbeincreasedbyalmost1m~3·ha~(-1)·a~(-1)(15%)insub-xericpineandmesicsprucesitesandabout0.5m~3·ha~(-1)·a~(-1)(5%)inmesicpineandherb-richsprucesiteswhentherecommendednitrogendose(150kg·ha~(-1))isappliedoncein30years.Conclusions:Nitrogenfertilizationofborealconiferforestshouldbeusedmainlyinspruce-dominatedstandsgrowingonmediumsites.Thegainsarethehighestinstandswherethemeantreediameteris16–20cmandstandbasalareais14–20m~2·ha~(-1).

  • 标签: 针叶林 北方 氮肥 媒体网站 挪威云杉 盈利能力
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:More and more scholars have called for the cumulative live birth rate (CLBR) of a complete ovarian stimulation cycle as a key indicator for assisted reproductive technology. This research aims to study the CLBR of the first ovarian hyperstimulation cycles and analyze the related prognosis factors that might affect the CLBR.Methods:Our retrospective study included first in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) cycles performed between January 2013 to December 2014. A total of 17,978 couples of first ovarian hyperstimulation IVF/ICSI cycles were included. The study was followed up for 4 years to observe the CLBR. The multivariable logistic regression model was used to analyze the prognosis factor, P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results:The cumulative pregnancy rate was 58.14% (10,452/17,978), and the CLBR was 49.66% (8928/17,978). The female age was younger in the live birth group when compared with the non-live birth group (30.81 ± 4.05 vs. 33.09 ± 5.13, P < 0.001). The average duration of infertility was shorter than the non-live birth cohort (4.22 ± 3.11 vs. 5.06 ± 4.08, P < 0.001). The preliminary gonadotropin used and the total number of gonadotropin used were lower in the live birth group when compared with the non-live birth group (both P < 0.001). Meanwhile, the number of oocytes retrieved and transferrable embryos were both significantly higher in the live birth group (15.35 ± 7.98 vs. 11.35 ± 7.60, P < 0.001; 6.66 ± 5.19 vs. 3.62 ± 3.51, P < 0.001, respectively).Conclusions:The women’s age, body mass index, duration of infertility years, infertility factors, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocol, the number of acquired oocytes, and number of transferrable embryos are the prognosis factors that significantly affected the CLBR.

  • 标签: Cumulative live birth rates IVF ICSI Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation In vitro fertilization Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
  • 简介:摘要:在Weibei煤田基于煤脉石的系统的分析,例如岩石学的特征,化学作文,滋养的元素,有害元素,和转变,并且与黄土高原和国家有害材料的土壤元素内容背景价值相比控制标准,我们断定在Weibei煤田的煤脉石有巨大的潜力被用作泥土化肥。

  • 标签: 煤矿 脉石 营养元素 有毒元素 煤田
  • 简介:AbstractIn vitro maturation (IVM) has been used in clinical settings for 30 years. The merits of IVM include that it needs a relatively small amount of hormones and short treatment period. However, because the effectiveness of IVM is lower than that of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, there are few centers routinely use IVM, and it is only applicable to a few special populations. In this article, several oocyte sources related to IVM have been discussed and the effects of gonadotropin priming and triggering on IVM are described. Furthermore, we have reviewed the optimization of IVM culture conditions in recent years along with the effects of IVM on genes of oocytes and cumulus cells and the obstetric and neonatal outcomes. We aim to provide indications for future improvement of IVM technology so that the success rates of IVM technology in special populations can be improved. We hope that this mild and natural protocol can be applied to more populations, including individuals with normal ovulation.

  • 标签: C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Epidermal Growth Factor-Like Peptides In vitro Maturation Melatonin Oocyte

  • 标签: SOLUBILITY strontium-hydroxyapatite EXPOSURE medium
  • 简介:Overaperiodoftwoyears,fieldexperimentswereconductedontwosiltyloamsoilsgrownwithfoursolanaceousvegetablecropsofeggplant(var.serpentinumBailey),tomato(var.communeBailey),sweetpepper(var.grossumBailey)andchilli(var.lengumBailey),respectively.Eachexperimentincludedfourtreatmentswithfromlowtohighdoses,0~450kgha-1foreggplant,tomatoandsweetpepper,and0~270kgha-1forchilli,ofKfertilizersintheformofsulfateofpotash(SOP)appliedtogetherwithNandPfertilizers.OneCKtreatmentwithoutK,NandPfertilizersappliedandonetreatmentofKfertilizerintheformofmuriateofpotash(MOP)appliedatthehighlevel(450kgha-i)togetherwithNandPfertilizerswereincludedintheexperimentsofeggplant,inordertocomparetheeffectsofSOPandMOP.ThefruityieldsofthetestedcropsincreasedsignificantlywiththeincreasingrateofKapplication.ThecropssuppliedwithKfertilizersyieldedmorestablyastheCV%oftheiryieldsdecreasedwiththerateofKapplication.ThedrymatterandvitaminCcontentsinfruitsoftomato,sweetpepperandchilli,andthesugarcontentandthetitratableacidityleveloftomatofruitswereincreased,andtheS/Aratio(ratioofsugarcontenttotitratableacidity)oftomatofruitsweredecreasedbyKfertilization,indicatingthatKfertilizationcouldimprovethefruitqualityofthesolanaceousvegetablecrops.However,thehighrateofKfertilizermightlowerthedrymatterandvitaminCcontentsoftomatofruitsandsweetpepperfruits.SOPwasmoreeffectivethanMOPinincreasingtheyieldandqualityofeggplantfruitsatthehighfertilizationrate;therefore,thechoiceofapplyingSOPmaybebetterforhighlevelsofKfertilization.

  • 标签: 钾肥 茄类蔬菜 产量 质量 氯化钾 碳酸钾
  • 简介:CarboncycleisconnectedwiththemostimportantenvironmentalissueofGlobalChange.Asoneofthemajorcarbonreservoirs,oceansplayanimportantpartinthecarboncycle.Inrecentyears,ironseemstogiveusagoodnewsthatoceanicironfertilizationcouldstimulatebiologicalproduc-tivityasCO2sinkofhuman-producedCO2.Oceanicironfertilizationexperimentshaveverifiedthataddingironintohighnutrientlowchlorophyll(HNLC)seawaterscanincreasephytoplanktonproductionandexportorganiccarbon,andhenceincreasecarbonsinkofanthropogenicCO2,toreduceglobalwarming.Insixtydays,theexportorganiccarboncouldreach10000timesforaddingironbymodelpredictionandinsituexperiment,I.e.TheatmosphericCO2uptakeandinorganiccarbondrawdowninupperseawatersalsohavethesamemagnitude.Therefore,oceanicironfertilizationisoneofthestrate-giesforincreasingcarbonsinkofanthropogenicCO2.Thepaperisfocusedontheironfertilization,es-peciallyinsituoceanironexperimentsinorderthatthefutureresearchismoreefficient.

  • 标签: 大气 二氧化碳 铁肥 碳循环 全球变化 叶绿素