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永济市中山街学校 044500






  1. 话题

本节课是新目标初中英语八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Section B (3a-Self Check)的内容


At the end of the class, the students will be able to:

(1) read 3a and answer the questions.

(2)learn to write an invitation with the given information.

(3) complete Self Check.


(1) Key vocabulary:

opening, concert, headmaster, event, guest, calendar, daytime... reply in writing, reply to this invitation...

(2)Key sentences:

a. I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School.

b.I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library

c. Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday.


To write an invitation and reply to it.


Step 1:Lead-in

1. Review the patterns to make invitations.

Can you …with me?

When is it?

It’s … the...  

Sure, I’d love to.

Sorry, I have to…

I’m (doing)…

2. Learn the words and phrases.

3. Read them.


Step 2:Presentation

Work on 3a.

1. Ask students to read the invitation in 3a.

2. Call attention to the six questions. Ask students to read the invitation on their own quickly.

3. Students write the answers to these questions on the lines.

4. Ask students to present their answers.

5. Check the answers with students.

6. Ask students to complete the sentences with prep.


Step 3:Language points

Explain the words and sentences:

reply and by.


Step 4:Writing

Work on 3b.

1. Call attention to 3b.Read the instructions to the class.

2. Focus on the left box. Tell students an invitation usually includes the five pieces of information.

3. Writing practice. Students write an invitation to a party or any other event using the words and phrases in the right box.

4. Ask 2 or 3 students to present their writing.

5. Correct the mistakes if there are some in their writing. Make short comments.


Step 5:Practice

Work on 4.

1. Read the instructions for this activity to the class.

2. Students read the dialogue.

3. Point out student A’s calendar on Page 72 and your calendar on Page 81.

4. Ask students to make conversations.

5. Discuss the answer with the class.


Step 6:Self Check

1. Ask students to read the conversation first and then fill in the blanks.

2. Call some students to read their answers.

3. Check answers in class.

4. Make students read the invitations first.

5. Students write the refusals and reasons on their own.

6. Call some students to read their sentences.

设置意图:完成Self Check并阅读。

Step 7:Exercises

Practice the language points and the grammar.


Step 8:Homework

假如你叫Jenny, 你的朋友Jane邀请你下周和她一起去看电影。你根据时间安排,给朋友回一封信。 注意信的格式。



Unit 9 Can you come to my party?

Section B (3a-Self Check)

One possible version:

Dear parents,

    I’d like to invite you to the opening ceremony for the new students at No. 10 Middle School. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday, September 4th at 8:00. After this, you can visit our school. Please dress smartly. I would also like to invite each parent to think of some words to encourage your child to study hard at school.




二. 规范写作习惯。注意学生写作模式的培养,使学生养成良好的写作习惯。

1. 认真审题。审清题材、内容和文体。

2. 构思内容。结合脑中的知识和所给材料,思考文章怎么写。

3. 列好写作提纲。这一环节在上课是没有设计,今后可以借鉴。

4. 写好初稿,加以修改,最后定稿。

5. 书写一定要工整、细心。(书面要整洁,注意大小写和标点符号的使用。)