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3 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractPatients with acute infectious respiratory illness may emit bio-aerosols containing pathogens to infect susceptible hosts, including other patients and healthcare workers. This study aimed to design the pediatric isolation (PI) bed and evaluate its purification effect on aerosols and microorganisms in the air in experiment rooms and verify the general wards' purification efficiency. The PI bed is connected to a purification device that surrounds the child's head to prevent contaminants' spread into the room. We test the purification effect of the PI bed in the experiment room and verified the purification effect of the PI bed in the hospital. The results showed that PI beds in the demonstration ward presented purifying effects on both smoke particulates and microorganisms like Staphylococcus albus (S. albus) and H1N1 virus. The Aerosol in the room in the hospital was then detected to validity the purification rate. Therefore, Isolation beds could be used in hospitals to reduce the risk of nosocomial infection to protect the health of doctors, patients, and visitors.

  • 标签: Pediatric isolation Purification effect Particulate Aerosol Bacteria H1N1 viruses
  • 简介:AbstractThe emerging Babesia venatorum upsurges as a potential health threat occurring in China and other endemic countries. Few attempts to isolate and culture the Babesia species had been conducted in vitro. We collected the questing Ixodes persulcatus from identified endemic areas and allowed them to feed on the severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. The positive mice were chosen to provide positive erythrocytes with asexual B. venatorum for continuous culture in mouse or human erythrocytes in vitro, with RPMI 1640 medium and appropriate serum. With B. venatorum in the SCID mice, erythrocytes were cultured in vitro for confirmation by morphological observations with transmission electron microscopes. Sequences of B. venatorum were then identified by way of conventional PCR amplification. Parasitemia counts monitored the growth of B. venatorum on thin blood smears and real-time quantitative PCR in parallel. As expected, B. venatorum positive mice were harvested by sufficient attacks of I. persulcatus ticks. The erythrocytes of the infected mice were then inoculated and successfully cultured in donated erythrocytes from humans and mice in RPMI 1640 culture medium. Active growth of B. venatorum was well demonstrated in human erythrocytes with 3.3 times parasite-load when compared with a mouse under similar conditions. With the increased subcultures, a prolonged period of detectable parasitemia with much higher peak parasitemia and shorter time to reach peak parasitemia were observed in the following subcultures. A new strategy for isolation and in vitro culture of B. venatorum has been provided with a continuous supply of sufficient pathogens to satisfy human babesiosis's testings and clinical therapies.

  • 标签: Babesia Ixodes persulcatus Isolation and identification Culture characteristics China
  • 简介:AbstractMink has been identified as an animal with susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 and also as the only animal with evidence to transmit the virus back to humans. Thus, the surveillance of viruses among high-density farmed minks has a significant meaning for the control of zoonotic emerging diseases in humans. Within anal swabs of minks that died of unknown causes in a mink farm, mink calicivirus (MCV) and mammalian orthoreovirus (MRV) were detected and simultaneously observed within MDCK cell culture from the sample of the same lethal mink. The parallel isolation was successfully performed by utilizing cell lines from different host sources with distinct viral sensitivities, i.e. Mv.1.Lu and Vero-E6 and the two viruses were independently separated. The prevalence of the virus among the minks and its genomic characteristics were investigated through deep sequencing technology. Phylogenetic analysis of the viral genome showed a close relationship of the newly isolated MCV-GCCDC8-2020 with MCV strains belonging to the genus Vesivirus, but with unique mutations derived from the major structural protein (VP1). The reovirus MRV-GCCDC9-2020 isolated from the same mink belongs to serotype 3 mammalian orthoreovirus and genome analysis showed a potential reassortment derived from reoviruses in different species. This study provides a beneficial reference on viral co-infection within disease investigation in farmed minks and raises the concern for the virus surveillance among the high-density fed animal farms.

  • 标签: Mink virus Co-infection Parallel isolation Evolutionary analyses Epidemic