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摘要 未填写
出处 《医学与法学》 2013年3期
关键词 抑郁障碍,自杀危险因素评估,护理干预。 AbstractObjective To explore measures for investigating risk factors for attempted suicide among depressive disorders,and offering nursing intervention to high risk groups. Method The home-made tool for evaluating suicide risk was used to evaluate the risk of attempted suicide in inpatients during a major depressive episode,and provides intervention to high risk groups. Result the risk for attempted suicide of patients received intervention was lower than control group,the difference between two groups were significant. Conclusion the measures for evaluating suicide risk and nursing intervention can degrades the risk for attempted suicide among depressive disorders 抑郁障碍是一种常见的以心境改变的慢性反复发作性疾病,,可由各种原因引起, 以显著而持久的情绪低落 思维迟缓 精神运动性抑制为主要临床特征,且心境低落 与其处境不相称,严重者可出现自杀念头和行为。据统计,全球每年自杀死亡人数约 200 万[1]。有数据显示抑郁症患者的自杀率占所有自杀者总数的10%-30%。抑郁症 患者的自杀率高于一般人口的50 倍,抑郁症患者中约有15%的人最后死于自杀。不 仅给自己带来极大的痛苦,也给家庭成员带来了极大的心理压力和经济负担 由此,可 直接影响患者的家庭功能2。能否有效阻止病人的自杀行为,是护理安全质量的重要 指标。我
出版日期 2013年03月13日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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抑郁障碍,自杀危险因素评估,护理干预。 AbstractObjective To explore measures for investigating risk factors for attempted suicide among depressive disorders,and offering nursing intervention to high risk groups. Method The home-made tool for evaluating suicide risk was used to evaluate the risk of attempted suicide in inpatients during a major depressive episode,and provides intervention to high risk groups. Result the risk for attempted suicide of patients received intervention was lower than control group,the difference between two groups were significant. Conclusion the measures for evaluating suicide risk and nursing intervention can degrades the risk for attempted suicide among depressive disorders 抑郁障碍是一种常见的以心境改变的慢性反复发作性疾病,,可由各种原因引起, 以显著而持久的情绪低落 思维迟缓 精神运动性抑制为主要临床特征,且心境低落 与其处境不相称,严重者可出现自杀念头和行为。据统计,全球每年自杀死亡人数约 200 万[1]。有数据显示抑郁症患者的自杀率占所有自杀者总数的10%-30%。抑郁症 患者的自杀率高于一般人口的50 倍,抑郁症患者中约有15%的人最后死于自杀。不 仅给自己带来极大的痛苦,也给家庭成员带来了极大的心理压力和经济负担 由此,可 直接影响患者的家庭功能2。能否有效阻止病人的自杀行为,是护理安全质量的重要 指标。我