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27 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractDecidualization is the differentiation of endometrial stromal cells into secretory decidual stromal cells. Human decidualization involves some amount of signaling molecules and pathways as well as genetic reprogramming, which is driven by the postovulatory rise in progesterone levels and local cyclic adenosine monophosphate production. Decidualization extends from the primary decidual zone to the secondary decidual zone, and then exits through apoptosis. Evidences support that decidual fibroblasts function as the pool of decidual stromal cells during pregnancy. Decidualization undergoes an acute inflammatory phase, an anti-inflammatory secretory phase to the final recession phase. The decidualization of the inner layer of endometrium, termed decidua, is the most critical determinant of pregnancy success, which can promote placenta formation, modulate immune tolerance, foster resistance to oxidative stress, sense embryo quality, and control labor. Failure to adequate decidualization in terms of hormones, biochemistry, and immunology leads to adverse pregnancy outcomes, including diseases such as preeclampsia, miscarriage, premature labor, repeated implantation failures, and some age-related decline in reproductive capacity. The development of animal models and in vitro culture systems combined with emerging technologies provides a powerful system to explore the mechanism of decidualization. However, decidualization is a dynamic, multi-step process, and translating of current research progress into disease predictions and interventions for pregnancy complications remains to be achieved. The study of periodic regeneration and spontaneous decidualization of the endometrium will be beneficial to the diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy diseases.

  • 标签: Decidua Decidualization Decidual stromal cells Endometrial stromal cells Pregnancy complications
  • 简介:AbstractThe rate of twin pregnancies has increased over the last decades, largely because of the ongoing development of assisted reproductive technology and increased maternal age at childbearing. Twins have a higher risk of adverse outcomes during pregnancy and the perinatal period. The prevalence of umbilical cord abnormalities is higher for twin pregnancies compared with singleton pregnancies. Some of these abnormalities are nonspecific to twinning and can also be found in singleton gestations (such as velamentous cord insertion, vasa previa, and single umbilical artery). Other abnormalities are associated with monochorionic twins, such as umbilical cord entanglement, and umbilical proximate cord insertion. Most of these abnormalities can be detected by ultrasound evaluation. The early and accurate ultrasound diagnosis of chorionicity, amnionicity, and placental and umbilical cord characteristics is crucial if we are to predict the risk of complications and to determine the best management for twin pregnancies. Histopathological examination of the placenta and umbilical cord after delivery can help to confirm prenatal diagnosis and to provide a better understanding of the physiopathology of their abnormalities. The aim of this review was to emphasize the role that the umbilical cord plays in twin complications and to describe the management of these high-risk pregnancies.

  • 标签: Pregnancy twin Chorionicity Cord entanglement Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence Umbilical cord Vasa previa Velamentous cord insertion
  • 简介:AbstractAspirin, one of the most widely applied medicines, not only possesses the effects on reducing fever, anti-vascular hyperplasia, and anti-inflammation, but also has the capacity of preventing platelet aggregation. So far, it is acceptable to adopt aspirin, especially low-dose aspirin (LDA), to prevent pregnancy-related complications, such as pregnancy complicated by antiphospholipid syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, or preeclampsia; unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion; fetal growth restriction; and preterm birth. In this article, we reviewed the possible mechanism of action and applications of aspirin in these pregnancy-related complications.

  • 标签: Abortion Antiphospholipid Antibodies Aspirin Fetal Growth Restriction Preeclampsia Pregnancy Preterm Birth Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
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  • 简介:Atrialfibrillation(AF)isthemostcommoncardiacarrhythmiaaffectingmillionsofpeopleworldwidewithincreasingincidenceandprevalence.RadiofrequencycatheterablationhasevolvedasthetreatmentofchoiceforbothparoxysmalandpersistentAF.Severalstudieshavebeenreportedoncatheterablationasthefirst-linetreatmentforparoxysmalAFanddifferentstrategiesforpersistentAF.Newtechnologiessuchascontact-forcesensingcathetersandcryoballoonhavebeenrecentlyusedandtheprocedurecarriestheriskofcomplicationslikehematoma,arteriovenousfistula,cardiactamponade,pulmonaryveinstenosis,atrio-esophagealfistulaanddeath.

  • 标签: ATRIAL FI brillation CATHETER ablation major
  • 简介:AbstractNeurocritical care (NCC) is not only generally guided by principles of general intensive care, but also directed by specific goals and methods. This review summarizes the common pulmonary diseases and pathophysiology affecting NCC patients and the progress made in strategies of respiratory support in NCC. This review highlights the possible interactions and pathways that have been revealed between neurological injuries and respiratory diseases, including the catecholamine pathway, systemic inflammatory reactions, adrenergic hypersensitivity, and dopaminergic signaling. Pulmonary complications of neurocritical patients include pneumonia, neurological pulmonary edema, and respiratory distress. Specific aspects of respiratory management include prioritizing the protection of the brain, and the goal of respiratory management is to avoid inappropriate blood gas composition levels and intracranial hypertension. Compared with the traditional mode of protective mechanical ventilation with low tidal volume (Vt), high positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and recruitment maneuvers, low PEEP might yield a potential benefit in closing and protecting the lung tissue. Multimodal neuromonitoring can ensure the safety of respiratory maneuvers in clinical and scientific practice. Future studies are required to develop guidelines for respiratory management in NCC.

  • 标签: Neurocritical care Pneumonia Respiratory management Multimodel neuromonitoring Tracheostomy Mechanical ventilation Positive end-expiratory pressure
  • 简介:AbstractThe treatments for early-onset scoliosis (EOS) remain great challenges for spine surgeons. This study aimed to comprehensively review the treatments for EOS, especially the advancements made in the last decade. Current studies on EOS were retrieved through a search on PubMed, UpToDate, the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus were reviewed. The most pertinent information related to the current treatments for EOS was collected. The foci of treatments for EOS have included creating a well-developed thoracic cavity, improving lung volume, and improving pulmonary function. Conservative treatments include bracing, casting, halo-gravity traction, and physiotherapy. Serial casting is the most effective conservative treatment for EOS. Surgical treatments mainly include growth-friendly techniques, which are generally classified into three types according to the amount of correction force applied: distraction-based, compression-based, and growth-guided. The distraction-based systems include traditional or conventional growing rods, magnetically controlled growing rods, and vertical expandable prosthesis titanium ribs. The compression-based systems include vertebral body stapling and tethering. The growth-guided systems include the Shilla system and modern Luque trolley. In addition, some newer techniques have emerged in recent years, such as posterior dynamic deformity correction (ApiFix). For EOS patients presenting with sharp deformities in a long, congenital spinal deformity, a hybrid technique, one-stage posterior osteotomy with short segmental fusion and dual growing rods, may be a good choice. Hemivertebra resection is the gold standard for congenital scoliosis caused by single hemivertebra. Although the patient’s growth potential is preserved in growth-friendly surgeries, a high complication rate should be expected, as well as a prolonged treatment duration and additional costs. Knowledge about EOS and its treatment options is rapidly expanding. Conservative treatments have specific limitations. For curves requiring a surgical intervention, surgical techniques may vary depending on the patients’ characteristics, the surgeon’s experience, and the actual state of the country.

  • 标签: Early-onset scoliosis Techniques Conservative treament Hemivertebra resection Fusionless Growth-friendly
  • 简介:Objective:Toreportcomplicationsrelatedtoflaparoundimplantsaftercochlearimplantation,possiblecausesofsuchcomplicationsandtreatments.Methodsandmaterial:Weperformedaretrospectiveanalysisofchildreninwhomcomplicationsrelatedtoflaparoundimplantsoccurredafterundergoingcochlearimplantationinourdepartmentfrom2005to2016.Results:Complicationsamong1500cochlearimplantation(CI)recipientsbythesamesurgeonincludedhematoma(n?20)andseromaaroundimplants(n?15),ofwhichmost(n?10)recoveredin2weeksaftereffectivedrainage,utilityofantibioticsandpressuredressing,but5developedflapnecrosisandhadtoundergocontralateralre-implantation.Fourpatientsdevelopedabscessaroundimplants,ofwhom2recoveredafter2weeksofdrainage,gentamicinirrigationanduseofantibiotics,but2patientsendedupwithflapnecrosisandhadtoreceivecontralateralreimplantation.Conclusions:Immediatedrainage,pressuredressingandantibioticscanbeusedtoeffectivelycontrolseromaaroundimplants.Forseromalastingformorethantwoweekswithoutimprovement,surgicaldrainagemaybeneed.

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  • 简介:瞄准:调查怎么在老鼠orthotopic肝移植减少胆汁的复杂并发症的发生。方法:165只男Wistar老鼠的一个总数随机被划分成三个组:组A,有修改二手铐的技术的orthotropic肝移植;组B,没有移植,胆汁管被切并且重建;并且组织C,仅仅剖腹术被执行。基于为胆汁的重建使用的途径,组A被划分成二亚群:A1(n=30),管管重建,和A2(n=30),管十二指肠重建。在胆汁管复杂并发症上学习动脉重建的影响,组B被划分成四亚群:B1(n=10),有肝的动脉结扎的管管重建,B2(n=10),没有肝的动脉结扎的管管重建,B3(n=10),有肝的动脉结扎的管十二指肠重建,和B4(n=10),没有肝的动脉结扎的管十二指肠重建。样品被收获在操作以后或在重要胆汁的复杂并发症被发现的时间的14d。结果:在组A,anhepatic阶段是13.7??€?‥吗??

  • 标签: WISTAR大鼠 并发症 肝移植 胆道 十二指肠 肝动脉
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:Gunshot wounds are the second leading cause of spinal cord injuries. Surgical intervention for gunshot injury to the spine carries a high rate of complications. There is a scarcity of data on civilian gunshot injuries to the spine in Pakistan. Approximately 60 cases over the last 10 years have been recoded, with unusual presentation and neurological recovery. Thus it is imperative to fill this gap in data, by reviewing cases of civilian gunshot injuries to spine presenting at a tertiary care hospital (Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi).Methods:This is a retrospective cohort study. Patients of all ages who presented to the emergency department of Aga Khan University Hospital, with gunshot injuries to spine between January 2005 and December 2016 were included in the study. Data were collected on neurological status (American Spinal Injury Association score was used for the initial and follow-up neurological assessment), extent of cord transection, motor and sensory deficits. The patients were further grouped into those with cord transection, and those with fractures of the bony spine but an intact spinal cord. These patients were then followed and the outcomes were recorded.Results:A total of 40 patients were identified. The mean ± SD of patients age was (30.9 ± 9.5) years. Of the 40 patients with gunshot wounds, 31 had the medical imaging performed at the facility, and hence they were included in this categorization. The remaining 9 patients were excluded from this additional grouping. Thirteen patients were managed surgically and 27 patients underwent the conservative management. The mean ± SD of follow-up was (8.7 ± 7.2) months. In our study, the thoracic spine was the most commonly injured region in gunshot injuries. Of the 31 patients with medical imaging performed at our institute, 17 (54.8%) had cord transection, of whom 8 (47%) ultimately developed paraplegia.Conclusion:The prognosis of gunshot injuries to the spine can be varied depending on whether the spinal cord is intact or transected. This will help healthcare providers to plan the further management of the patient and counsel them accordingly.

  • 标签: Hospital management Cord transection Prognostic predictors Gunshot injury Spinal trauma
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  • 简介:ObjectivesToinvestigatethecauses,theraputicandpreventivemethodsofcomplicationsassociatedwithtranscatheterocclusionofatrialseptaldefect(ASD)usingtheAmplatzerseptaloccluder(ASO)inchildren.Methods289casesunderwenttranscatheterclosureofASDwithASO.Complicationsoccurredin9cases.Thecomplicationsinprocedureincludedsystemiccirculatorysystemicairembolismin2,pulmonaryairembolismin1,pericardialtamponadein1,ASOmalpositionrequiringemergencysurgicalremovalin1,transientatrialextrasystolesin1andsizingballoonrupturein1case.2caseswithpostoperativecomplicationswerefoundinthefollow-upstudies.TheseincludedperforationofmitralvalveandASOpartiallydislodged.Inthisstudy,5childrenwithintraoperativecomplicationreceivedemergencytherapyincludingsurgicalintervention,andothersneededonlyfollow-up,asthecomplicationsweretransientorasymptomatic.ResultsTherewerenochildrendeathinthisstudy.The5caseswhoreceivedtreatmentwerecompletelyhealing,andtheotherswithintra-procedurecomplicationswerealsohadnosequelaexisted.CaseswithmitralvalveandASOpartiallydislodgedwerestillinfollow-upstudies,asthe2patientshavingnosymptoms.ConclutionsAirembolismwereoccurredeasilyinatrialseptaldefectcaseswhoreceivedASOtherapy.Complicationsmainlycausedbyinappropriateoperativeprocedureandsomecomplicationsneededemergencytreatments.Follow-upstudieswereimportanttocaseswithtranscatheterocclusiontherapy.

  • 简介:Objective:Curativegastriccancersurgeryentailsremovaloftheprimarytumorwithadequatemarginsincludingregionallymphnodes.Europeanrandomizedcontrolledtrialswithrecruitmentinthe1990'sreportedincreasedmorbidityandmortalityforD2comparedtoD1.Here,weexaminedtheextentoflymphadenectomyduringgastriccancersurgeryandtheassociatedriskforpostoperativecomplicationsandmortalityusingthestrengthsofapopulation-basedstudy.Methods:AprospectivenationwidestudyconductedwithintheNationalRegisterofEsophagealandGastricCancer.AllpatientsinSwedenfrom2006to2013whounderwentgastriccancerresectionswithcurativeintentwereincluded.PatientswerecategorizedintoD0,D1,orD1+/D2,andanalyzedregardingpostoperativemorbidityandmortalityusingmultivariablelogisticregression.Results:Intotal,349(31.7%)patientshadaD0,494(44.9%)D1,and258(23.4%)D1+/D2lymphadenectomy.The30-dpostoperativecomplicationrateswere25.5%,25.1%and32.2%(D0,D1andD1+/D2,respectively),and90-dmortalityrateswere8.3%,4.3%and5.8%.Afteradjustmentforconfounders,inmultivariableanalysis,therewerenosignificantdifferencesinriskforpostoperativecomplicationsbetweenthelymphadenectomygroups.For90-dmortality,therewasalowerriskforD1vs.D0.Conclusions:ThemajorityofgastriccancerresectionsinSwedenhaveincludedonlyalimitedlymphadenectomy(D0andD1).Moreextensivelymphadenectomy(D1+/D2)seemedtohavenoimpactonpostoperativemorbidityormortality.

  • 标签: 淋巴结 并发症 胃癌 瑞典 LOGISTIC回归分析 随机对照试验
  • 简介:AbstractOne in three monochorionic twins may develop complications during pregnancy. Monochorionic twins, especially monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA), present specific problems caused by the presence of interfetal placental anastomoses. The first critical step in the management of MCDA twins is identification in the first trimester. Secondly, close follow-up every 2 weeks is mandatory to allow early diagnosis and timely treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Other potentially severe complications include selective fetal growth restriction, twin anemia polycythemia syndrome or single fetal death. Thirdly, a correct differential diagnosis is critical to establish the best therapy. This may represent a clinical challenge since MCDA twin complications often overlap. A simple diagnostic algorithm may be of great help to establish the right diagnosis and management option. In this review we summarize the main steps for the clinical follow-up, differential diagnosis, and targeted management of MCDA twins complications.

  • 标签: Acute feto-fetal transfusion Discordant malformation Monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy Pregnancy twin Selective fetal growth restriction Single intrauterine fetal death Twin anemia-polycythemia sequence Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
  • 简介:AIMTo评估剥去与在没有胶囊的support.METHODSDSAEK的严重地损坏的眼睛的透镜(IOL)培植与工匠虹爪IOL培植相结合的工匠缺少晶状体intraocular相结合的自动化endothelialkeratoplasty(DSAEK)的descemet的复杂并发症和结果在29只眼睛上被执行。所有眼睛由于从优先的intraocular手术和眼睛的损伤的复杂并发症具有反常结构。眼睛的复杂并发症观察了包括的接枝脱臼,高intraocular压力(IOP),IOL脱臼,有斑点的浮肿和hyphema。最好改正的视觉尖酸(BCVA),IOP和吝啬的中央endothelial房间密度(ECD)是有的recorded.RESULTSThirteen眼睛眼睛的损伤的历史,10只眼睛有前面的房间IOL,16只眼睛有优先的vitrectomy。虹在22种情况中是反常的。接枝脱臼发生在5(17.2%)29只眼睛。IOL脱臼发生在2只眼睛(6.9%)。高IOP在9只眼睛被发现并且与处理被控制。外科手术前的吝啬的BCVA是20/286。6mo手术后的吝啬的BCVA是20/42。平均中心ECD是在6mo的1965.3房间/公里2,并且施主房间损失的率是与工匠缺少晶状体IOL培植相结合的34.7%.CONCLUSIONDSAEK是为没有胶囊的支持,在aphakic眼睛解决endothelial和透镜混乱的一种其他的选择。然而,它应该与严重的虹缺点为眼睛小心地被执行。

  • 标签: 脱衣的 descemet 自动化了 endothelial keratoplasty 工匠缺少晶状体虹爪透镜 虹缺点
  • 简介:Objective:Patientsundergoingtotalgastrectomyforcancerareatriskofmalnourishment.Theaimofthisselfcontrolledstudywastoexaminetheeffectofjejunostomytubefeeding(JTF)andotherfactorsonpostoperativeweightandtheincidenceofjejunostomy-relatedcomplicationsinpatientsundergoingtotalgastrectomyforcancer.Methods:Allconsecutivepatientswhounderwenttotalgastrectomyforgastriccancerwithjejunostomyplacementwereincludedfromaprospectivesingle-centerdatabase(2003–2014).Jejunostomy-relatedcomplicationsandpostoperativeweightchangeswereevaluatedupto12monthsaftersurgery.Multivariablelinearregressionanalysiswasperformedtoidentifyfactorsassociatedwithweightloss12monthsaftergastrectomy.Results:Of113patientsoperatedinthestudyperiod,65receivedJTFaftertotalgastrectomyforamediandurationof18d[interquartilerange(IQR),10–55d].Jejunostomy-relatedcomplicationsoccurredin11(17%)patients,includingskinleakage(n=3)andperitonealleakage(n=2),luxation(n=3),occlusion(n=2),infection(n=1)andtorsion(n=1).In2(3%)patients,areoperationwasneededduetojejunostomy-relatedcomplications.Themeanpreoperativeweightofpatientswas71.8kg(100%),andremainedstableduringJTF(73.9kg,103%,P=0.331).AfterJTFwasstopped,themeanweightofpatientsdecreasedto64.9kg(90%)at12monthsaftersurgery(P<0.001).Ahighpreoperativebodymassindex(BMI)(≥25kg/m~2)wasassociatedwithhighpostoperativeweightlosscomparedtopatientswithalowBMI(<25kg/m~2)(16.3%vs.8.6%,P=0.016).Conclusions:JTFcanpreventweightlossintheearlypostoperativephase.However,thisisattheprizeofpossiblecomplications.Asweightlossinthelongtermisnotprevented,routineJTFshouldbere-evaluatedandbalancedagainsttheselecteduseinpreoperativelymalnourishedpatients.SpecialattentionshouldbepaidtopatientswithahighpreoperativeBMI,whoareatriskofmorepostoperativeweightloss.

  • 标签: 并发症 胃癌 空肠 减肥 癌症患者 体重变化
  • 简介:Objective:Toexplorethecausesoftheformationoftraumaticcarotid-cavernousfistulasandthetherapeuticeffectofdetachableballoonand/orcoilembolizationandthepreventionofitscomplications.Methods:FromOctober,1992toMarch,2002,17patientswithtraumaticcarotid-cavernousfistulasweretreatedwithdetachableballoonand/orcoilembolizationinourhospital.TheclinicaldataandimagingfeaturesofCT,MRandselectiveangiogramofthesepatientswereanalyzed.Results:Oneweekaftertreatmentwithembolization,theclinicalsymptomsofthe17patientswereremitted,andopticcacophony,nystagmus,exophthalmosanddropsyofconjunctivadisappeared.Twopatientsmanifestedsurgicalcomplications,onepatientdied.Sixteenpatientssurvived.Theywereallfollowedupformorethan2years,whichshowedonepatienthadhandicapinmovement,andinonepatientthesignsandsymptomsoftraumaticcarotid-cavernousfistulasreoccurred2monthsaftertreatment.Conclusions:Thedetachableballoonand/orcoilembolizationissafeandreliable.Itisagoodmethodtotreattraumaticcarotid-cavernousfistulas.

  • 标签: 并发症 创伤 颈动脉瘘 治疗 可分离气球 盘绕栓塞
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Vitamin D deficiency has been reported to be associated with diabetic microvascular complications, but previous studies have only focused on the relationship between vitamin D and specific complications. Therefore, we aimed to explore the relationship between vitamin D level and diabetic microvascular complications in general, including diabetic retinopathy (DR), diabetic nephropathy (DN), and diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN).Methods:This was a cross-sectional study of 815 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Clinical information and laboratory results were collected from the medical records. The relationship between vitamin D and the three diabetic microvascular complications was investigated.Results:The serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25 [OH] D) level of patients with DPN and/or DN was significantly lower than that of T2DM patients without any microvascular complications (P < 0.01). Univariate analysis showed that the 25 (OH) D level was related to DPN and DN, but not DR. After adjustment, the 25 (OH) D level was confirmed to be an independent protective factor for DPN (odds ratio [OR]: 0.968, P = 0.004]) and DN (OR: 0.962, P = 0.006). The prevalence of DPN and DN increased significantly as the serum 25 (OH) D levels decreased. Furthermore, patients with both DPN and DN had the lowest concentration of serum 25 (OH) D (P < 0.001), and the prevalence of macroalbuminuria increased more abruptly than that of microalbuminuria across the 25 (OH) D tertiles. Among the patients with vitamin D insufficiency, those with DPN presented more comorbid macroalbuminuria than those without DPN (15.32% vs. 4.91%; P = 0.001).Conclusions:Vitamin D deficiency is independently associated with higher risk of DPN and DN, but not DR, in T2DM patients. Further, it may be a potential predictor for both the occurrence and severity of DPN and DN.

  • 标签: Type 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetic retinopathy Diabetic nephropathy Diabetic peripheral neuropathy Vitamin D
  • 作者: Andleeb Farah Hafeezullah null Atiq Atia Atiq Maria
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 2020年第10期
  • 机构:Biophotoics Research Group, Department of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan; Department of Physics, Govt Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan; Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA; Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur, Pakistan,Biophotoics Research Group, Department of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy technique has not been used as a diagnostic tool for diabetes in clinical practice. This study was linked to structural changes in hemoglobin (Hb) in type 2 diabetes patients at higher levels of HbA1C using FTIR spectroscopy.Methods:Fifty-three diabetic patients from the Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawalpur, Pakistan were categorized as group A (6% < HbA1C < 7%; n = 25) and group B (HbA1C ≥9%; n = 28). Another group (group N) of twenty blood samples was taken from healthy people from the Islamia University Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Data from all groups were collected from January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019. The structure of Hb was studied by FTIR spectroscopy and impact of glucose on the fine structure of HbA1C was estimated.Results:Hb secondary structure erythrocyte parameters were altered by changing glucose concentrations. From FTIR spectra of all three groups it was found that Hb structure was slightly altered in group A, but significantly changed in group B (P < 0.05). There was an increase in β-sheet structure and a reduction in α-helix structure at elevated levels of HbA1C (group B) in type 2 diabetes.Conclusion:We suggest that higher level of glycation reflected by increased HbA1C might be a contributing factor to structural changes in Hb in type 2 diabetic patients. FTIR spectroscopy can be a novel technique to find pathogenesis in type 2 diabetes.

  • 标签: Hemoglobin Spectroscopy Hemoglobin A1C Spectrum