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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘要:本文从教育培训行业现状及发展前景入手,通过分析蓬莱区教育培训产业发展的优势和存在的问题,进一步提出大力发展教育培训产业的建议。建议当前及今后一个时期,蓬莱区应抢抓用好教育培训机遇期,将教育优势转化服务经济社会发展的现实生产力,使之成为新的经济增长点。

  • 标签: 教育培训 融合发展
  • 简介:摘要:非公有制经济是我国经济领域的重要组成部分。随着我国经济社会的蓬勃发展,非公企业在我国经济总量中所占的比例越来越大,成为国家税收的重要来源,对推动科技创新、增加就业、维护社会稳定发挥了不可替代的作用。

  • 标签: 非公企业 党建
  • 简介:摘要:本文从蓬莱与长岛一体化发展的重要性入手,通过对两地在思想观念、交通设施、产业结构的短板分析,进而从转变发展思路、产业同一布局、实施品牌战略等方面提出合理化建议。

  • 标签: 蓬莱 长岛 一体化 发展
  • 简介:摘要:近年来,蓬莱信息产业一直处在产业链、价值链、市场链、创新链的中低端环节,如何在新一代信息技术产业中找准自己定位,转变发展方式、优化产业结构,从而打造出信息产业升级新引擎,成为当前新旧动能转换视域下需要解决的关键一环。

  • 标签: 信息产业 结构升级
  • 简介:【摘要】在经济全球化、文化多元化的国际大背景下,产业融合发展成为不可逆转的趋势。美丽的山东蓬莱依山傍海,风景秀丽,素以“人间仙境”著称于世,是全国著名的旅游城市,同时蓬莱有着世界“中国葡萄酒名城”之美称,葡萄与葡萄酒产业规模迅速膨胀,与旅游产业的融合有了良好的开端,蓬莱应抓住这一机遇,以发展精品酒庄游为主线,将葡萄酒文化体验推广与休闲度假旅游相结合,开发“葡萄美酒+神仙海岸”、“葡萄文化+休闲度假”等特色旅游产品,打造“葡萄采摘、酒堡度假、加工体验、美酒品鉴”为一体的葡萄酒文化旅游新业态,促进葡萄酒产业与旅游产业融合互动。

  • 标签: 葡萄酒旅游 蓬莱市 对策建议
  • 简介:摘要:蓬莱历史悠久,文化深厚,生态优良,资源富集,具有发展全域旅游得天独厚的条件。近年来,全域旅游发展迅速,但也存在诸多问题,需要高点定位,统筹谋划,多点发力,推动全域旅游高质量发展。

  • 标签: 全域旅游 高质量发展
  • 简介:摘要目的探讨CYP2C19、CYP3A5基因的多态性与心肌梗死发病风险的相关性。方法随机选取心肌梗死患者及健康对照各500例,采用荧光PCR法和Sanger测序分别检测其CYP2C19、CYP3A5基因的多态性,用Logistic回归分析其与心肌梗死的相关性,用Quanto软件评估统计学效能。结果CYP2C19基因rs4986893位点的AG、GG基因型和A等位基因的频率以及CYP3A5基因rs776746位点的AA、AG、GG基因型和G等位基因频率在两组之间的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),CYP2C19基因rs4244285、rs12248560位点的基因型和等位基因以及rs4986893位点的AA基因型的频率在两组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在校正年龄、性别、体质指数后,Logistic回归分析显示CYP2C19基因rs4986893的AG基因型和A等位基因以及CYP3A5基因rs776746的GG基因型和G等位基因可能是心肌梗死发病的风险因素,而rs4986893的GG基因型以及rs776746的AA、AG基因型可能是心肌梗死的保护因素。依据样本量、样本结构和等位基因频率以及Quanto分析,本研究的结果具有理想的统计学效能(99%)。结论CYP2C19、CYP3A5基因的多态性可能增加心肌梗死的发病风险。

  • 标签: 基因型 多态性 心肌梗死 遗传 相关性
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  • 简介:摘要:本文主要阐述了油田地质环境与油田开发技术之间的关系,将油田开发技术在油田地质环境中的具体应用进行分析,对我国目前比较常用的几种油田开发技术例如低渗透油田开发技术、注水开发技术、三维建模技术、MEOR 技术等进行探讨,不断完善和改进油田地质环境与油田开发技术,促进油田开发效率的进一步提升,实现油田经济效益及社会效益的可持续增长。

  • 标签: 油田地质环境 油田开采技术
  • 简介:摘要:塔河地区奥陶系蓬莱坝组发育一定厚度的硅质岩储层,其储层发育特征与油气储集性能是当前研究焦点之一。利用元素比值和指数数值的变化分析硅质岩成因,分析结果表明硅质岩成因主要以热液成因和典型生物成因。

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  • 简介:AbstractThe novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the third coronavirus outbreak in the last two decades. Emerging and re-emerging infections like COVID-19 pose serious challenges of the paucity of information and lack of specific cure or vaccines. This leaves utilisation of existing scientific data on related viral infections and repurposing relevant aetiologic and supportive therapies as the best control approach while novel strategies are developed and trialled. Many promising antiviral agents including lopinavir, ritonavir, remdesivir, umifenovir, darunavir, and oseltamivir have been repurposed and are currently trialled for the care for COVID-19 patients. Adjunct therapies for the management of symptoms and to provide support especially in severe and critically ill patients have also been identified. This review provides an appraisal of the current evidence for the rational use of frontline therapeutics in the management of COVID-19. It also includes updates regarding COVID-19 immunotherapy and vaccine development.

  • 标签: SAR-CoV-2 COVID-19 Respiratory Drug repurposing Antiviral Supportive therapy Immunotherapy
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused substantial disruptions to health services in the low and middle-income countries with a high burden of other diseases, such as malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on malaria transmission potential in malaria-endemic countries in Africa.Methods:We present a data-driven method to quantify the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as various non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), could lead to the change of malaria transmission potential in 2020. First, we adopt a particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to estimate epidemiological parameters in each country by fitting the time series of the cumulative number of reported COVID-19 cases. Then, we simulate the epidemic dynamics of COVID-19 under two groups of NPIs: (1) contact restriction and social distancing, and (2) early identification and isolation of cases. Based on the simulated epidemic curves, we quantify the impact of COVID-19 epidemic and NPIs on the distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). Finally, by treating the total number of ITNs available in each country in 2020, we evaluate the negative effects of COVID-19 pandemic on malaria transmission potential based on the notion of vectorial capacity.Results:We conduct case studies in four malaria-endemic countries, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zambia, in Africa. The epidemiological parameters (i.e., the basic reproduction number R0 and the duration of infection DI) of COVID-19 in each country are estimated as follows: Ethiopia (R0 = 1.57, DI = 5.32), Nigeria (R0 = 2.18, DI = 6.58), Tanzania (R0 = 2.47, DI = 6.01), and Zambia (R0 = 2.12, DI = 6.96). Based on the estimated epidemiological parameters, the epidemic curves simulated under various NPIs indicated that the earlier the interventions are implemented, the better the epidemic is controlled. Moreover, the effect of combined NPIs is better than contact restriction and social distancing only. By treating the total number of ITNs available in each country in 2020 as a baseline, our results show that even with stringent NPIs, malaria transmission potential will remain higher than expected in the second half of 2020.Conclusions:By quantifying the impact of various NPI response to the COVID-19 pandemic on malaria transmission potential, this study provides a way to jointly address the syndemic between COVID-19 and malaria in malariaendemic countries in Africa. The results suggest that the early intervention of COVID-19 can effectively reduce the scale of the epidemic and mitigate its impact on malaria transmission potential.

  • 标签: COVID-19 pandemic Non-pharmaceutical interventions Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo Insecticide-treated nets Vectorial capacity Malaria transmission potential
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  • 简介:【摘要】 介绍1例原钙黏蛋白19(PCDH19)基因相关癫痫的综合护理方法。PCDH19基因相关癫痫目前在国内报道尚少,严密的病情监测、丛集性发作期间正确处理、安全防护、康复训练及健康指导等护理措施对原钙黏蛋白19(PCDH19)基因相关癫痫丛集性发作的控

  • 标签: PCDH19基因 癫痫 丛集性发作 护理
  • 简介:摘 要:首先概述了成都动车段电压过高导致机车不能出库的基本情况,然后基于实测数据对电压电流信号进行分析,从峰值电压、基波有效值电压、电压总谐波畸变率和电压谐振等角度分析动车段电能质量,从而对导致过电压的原因进行探究,综合分析结果得到导致过电压的原因并提出了治理措施的建议。

  • 标签: 电能质量 过电压 实测数据 Key words power quality over-voltage  measured data
  • 简介:摘要:目的:本研究通过对ABCA3外显子10进行基因测序和分析,初步探讨ABCA3 exon10区域上是否有基因变异或多态性位点分布,探讨其与新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(neonatal respiratory distress syndrome,NRDS)发病的相关性,从基因水平探讨NRDS的发病机制。方法:收集于2017年9月-2021年3月在海淀妇幼保健院新生儿重症监护病房住院的NRDS患儿26例作为病例组,同时间段、同群体中26例非NRDS新生儿作为对照组。分别提取两组基因组DNA,PCR扩增ABCA3 exon10,并将扩增产物进行直接测序,分析两组ABCA3 exon10 是否有变异或多态性位点存在。结果:在ABCA3 exon10 rs13332514(F353F)位点存在单个碱基点突变C>T,密码子由TTC变为TTT,第353编码位点氨基酸未发生改变。病例组和对照组均存在该位点点突变,其中NRDS组共有16例,变异率为30.2%,非NRDS组共有7例,变异率为13.2%,NRDS组显著高于非NRDS组(X2=4.498,P=0.034),差异具有统计学意义;结论: ABCA3外显子10区域上rs13332514 (F353F)位点存在单个碱基点突变C>T,该位点变异可能与新生儿发生NRDS有相关性,等位基因T可能是增加新生儿发生NRDS的易感因素之一。

  • 标签: 呼吸窘迫综合征 新生儿 ATP结合盒转运子A3 基因多态性
  • 简介:摘要:在我国油田配电网中,因变频调速技术的应用和负载不平衡等原因,存在大量的高次谐波。谐波会造成电压波形畸变,带来较大的能耗。本文分析了油田谐波产生的原因和机理,并针对有源滤波器在谐波抑制中应用进行相应的分析,并进行了相关方法的仿真。

  • 标签: 有源电力滤波器 感性负荷 空间矢量 PWM控制 PLC 电气自动化